Fukushima nuclear plant also exploded, and several workers are injured.
This explosion is because of the Hydrogen accumulated in the building. Authorities emphasized that the explosion blow away outside wall but core facilities are safe.
But it is obvious that we are lacking the electric power supply against demands.
Tokyo Denryoku (Substantially dominant power company for eastern Japan) divided Kanto Area into five segments, and announced the time frame which may occur black-out.
Segment1: 6:20 am- 10:00am and/or 16:50pm -20:30pm
Segment2: 9:20 am - 13:00pm and/or 18:20pm - 22:00pm
Segment3: 12:20pm - 16:00pm
Segment4: 13:50pm - 17:30pm
Segment5: 15:20pm -19:00pm
Fortunately, as of now, electric power keeps coming. But it is anticipated the demand for electricity is high around 7:00pm, so planned black-out might be executed sometime tonight.
(Railways may be also affected.)
So, some of office workers in metro area have already started leaving their offices before black-outs come.
We are still in serious situation.
Here is explosions of Fuskushima nuclear plant 1,
Exactly the same eplosion happened for Plant#3.
In this case, the engineers are doing very good to regain controlls.
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